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Alternative & Innovative Septic Systems

Home Alternative & Innovative Septic Systems

I Alternate Septic Systems

An Alternate Septic Systems is a system that is approved by NHDES Subsurface Bureau for a particular site with Site Conditions that would prohibit a conventional type system.

Holding Tank: A Holding Tank is a Concrete or Plastic Tank placed in-ground, which requires pumping on a regular scheduled bases.

Privies (Outhouse): A Small Structure containing a toilet, typically with No plumbing, constructed to meet NHDES Subsurface Bureau regulations.


Septic Systems

I Hinds Septic Design Services Uses The Latest Products In The Industry

Enviro –Septic



I Geomatrix Systems

The GeoMat™ Leaching System (GeoMat), manufactured by Geomatrix Systems, LLC (Geomatrix) is low profile and designed for maximum treatment and infiltration of wastewater into soil; in certain instances, it is used for subsurface irrigation and nutrient reuse. GeoMat may be utilized with wastewater from a septic tank or pretreatment system (treatment unit).

This results in a much more uniform application of water to the soil and minimizes the point loading associated with other low profile systems. GeoMat can be installed in trench and bed layouts and function with gravity, pump to gravity, and pressure distribution (PD) system configurations.

I Innovative Technology

Innovative or Green System is a septic system design that takes in to count the environment. These systems are smaller in size and are considered a Modern way to deal with small hard to design sites, such as Lake front properties, Island Properties, etc.


Drip Dispersal: Drip Disposal systems are a Drip irrigation system that is easy to install and can be used for year-round use. The system has a low-profiles, which can eliminate a mound system in most cases. This system is Ideal for Lake Front Properties and Island Properties


Drip Dispersal

Hover Title

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.

I Aerobic Septic System

Aerobic or Green System is a Septic System that takes in to count the environment by pretreating the wastewater before it is dispersed in the ground. These systems are very small in size and are an Innovative way to deal with effluent on hard to design Lots, such as lake front properties, island properties, etc.

I Manufacturers For The Aerobic Pretreatment Systems Are

The Clean Solution™

An aerated pre-treatment system that produces effluent dramatically cleaner than traditional septic systems.


SeptiTech utilizes an enhanced, unsaturated, self-cleaning media and processor for its trickling filter technology.


The Singulair Green aerobic treatment system incorporates Norweco’s advanced aerobic treatment process, proven in hundreds of thousands of installations.

Looking For An Experienced Septic Designer?
Hinds Septic Design Services LLC servicing New Hampshire since March 2002
with more than 30 years of experience in the site development field.

Family Owned

Areas Of  Service

  • Belknap County
  • Carroll County
  • Cheshire County
  • Coos County
  • Grafton County
  • Hillsborough County
  • Merrimack County
  • Sullivan County

Septic Design NH License

Septic System Designer #1316
Certified Wetlands Scientist #184

Get In Touch

Central NH